Sunday, 15 September 2013

Back in base camp after reaching 6000m

We have just returned from Camp 1 after our journey high on the mountain to acclimatise. Prior to our departure we participated in the Pugja, a religious ceremony delivered by the local Lama to pay homage to the Buddist and mountain Gods. The Sherpa community will not start to climb seriously on the mountain without a Pugja which involves providing gifts (coke, sprite, beers, sweets and biscuits) and the Lama reading ancient scripts. It was a humbling experience.
We used our harnesses, crampons and ice axes for the first time in a long journey across the glacier up to Camp 1 which sits between 5300 and 5700 metres above sea level. It was an exhausting climb which took some 4 ½ hours and saw the majority of us beset with AMS. However, after an overnight rest the symptoms reduced significantly to allow some of us to ascend further.

Camp 1 looking up

The route from Camp 1 to Camp 2 (6300 metres) takes approximately 4 hours and ascends a massive serac field using fixed ropes. It was great to be high on the mountain and to see the spectacular summit that is our quest, even closer. Upon arrival back at Camp 1 the much sought rest did not come and Brad and I woke exhausted having not slept well at all. Still it is good to be back in Base Camp.
Whilst at Camp 1 we met up with the teams that we have met previously on the trail and it was good to see them all again. They are on the second rotation on the mountain sleeping at Camp 1 and then sleeping in Camp 2 for two nights before descending to Base Camp again.

Since we have been away several more teams have arrived in base camp and the place is full and busy as a result.

The Serac field between Camp 1 and Camp 2 – An Adventure

Here’s my TFBSN back in base camp after our journey to Camp 1 for two nights with an acclimatisation climb through the ice fall towards Camp 2 - here and now.

I am thinking, that was tough and after my worst nights sleep (another indicator of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) it’s good to be back in base camp. We will all benefit form a few days rest before heading high again on our next rotation

I am feeling tired after pushing myself too much on the climb to Camp 2 yesterday.

My body state is showing signs of being run down.

My spirits are high.

My needs are to rest, eat well, sleep well and speak to my family. 

Happy Days.

Find out more from our team blog  a few more photos on there and it's updated by the team and myself on a daily basis.

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