The majority of our equipment left Samagoen this morning by Yak, pack horse and porter.
Cham (The Sirdar) sorting out our loads to go up to base camp
We have mostly stayed put in the Hotel (3rd world style) taking care of washing and sorting thorough our personal equipment in anticipation of being reunited with our mountaineering equipment at base camp.
We will head up to base camp tomorrow after breakfast and spend the next couple of days sorting equipment and settling into our home for the next month or so. If the weather permits we will try and gain a little height on the mountain to further acclimatise.
In out first couple of days at base camp the sherpas will arrange for a pugja. This is a religious ceremony steeped in Buddist traditions to show respect to the mountain and ask for permission to pass safely.
More about that later.
Find out more from our team blog a few more photos on there and it's updated by the team and myself on a daily basis.
Till next time.
Till next time.
Hi G, glad to hear you are almost at base camp. Keep the blogs coming, we are all keeping up to date with things here in Holmfirth. Best of Yorkshire to you from the Bucks.